• BLOG
JP Adena, May 29 2020


Many of our concerns, doubts and insecurities in starting up a business stems from the fear of failure.  But failure is not bad though. It's actually a pre-requisite.  It's your tuition fee to success.

Imagine you wanting to go school, either high school or college (University).  There is a certain ease in the decision making.  You've already decided you are going. And it's not a matter of "if" but a matter when and what school.  It also doesn't matter how expensive it is.  What matters is the course you want to go into or most often what your parents want you to take.  If the course you've decided is expensive at the school you want be-- so be it.  You would even go to great lengths to pay for this education.  You will go to the depths of debt because you know there will be a return on your investment (ROI). But is there ROI, really?  To answer this might be a whole different post.

Let's also tackle how long it will take you before finish. High school is 4 years (now six years with K10 and K12). Then college (University) is about 4 to 5 years. So approximately 8-12 years and maybe more if your load is too much you might want to add 1-3 more years.  8-15 years of education for a degree.

At the end of it all, you did not fear if you will fail knowing it's worth it and even if you do you know in your heart you will still soldier on especially with all the time, effort and money you've invested in it.  You're tuition fee became irrelevant no matter how many times (years, semesters) you paid. 

So what does it have to do with How to be an OFWpreneur? The short story is completely relevant into answering "WHY" first!   

All the decision making involved into your studying is the same mindset as deciding to be a Bagong Bayani (OFW).  And believe it or not, it is exactly the same mindset needed into starting a business.

The 'Student', the 'OFW', the 'Entrepreneur' need the same mindset.  The payaman mindset.

Borrowing from my "Money in Entrepreneur Shift" post.  Entrepreneurs earn profit from selling products and/or services.  Employees get a salary from selling the entrepreneur's products and/or services.

Choose wisely--there's no wrong answer.

Profit or Salary?________________________________________________________________________________________

Or both.  Overseas Filipino Worker Entrepreneurs are both employees and entrepreneurs.

There are many iterations of this.

You can start a business in the country you are working in while still being an employee at the same time.   This is hard

Now, let me ask again HOW TO BE AN OFWPRENEUR?

If you haven't started already, you already are, or you've failed in one, these following actions will help you greatly.

Step 1: Asking an OFWpreneur

Step 2: Avoiding their mistakes

Step 3: Copying their successes

Where to find these information?

Bonus step: Listen to the OFWpreneurs Podcast playlist in Youtube.

OFWpreneurs Podcast aims to inspire OFWs to start a business rooted in the notion that --the fastest way to come home 'for good' ng hindi nagmamadali (without being in a hurry) is to be an entrepreneur.

Written by

JP Adena